Church Account


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Two-Step Verification

What is Two-Step Verification?
How do I set up Two-Step Verification?
What options are available for Two-Step Verification on my Church Account?
When is Two-Step Verification Used?

Sign in Issues

I forgot my username or password.
Why can't I sign in with my Church Account?
Why can't I access my local Directory, Calendar, or other Church tools?

Registration Issues

My email or phone number is already attached to a Church Account
Where do I find my Membership Record Number (MRN)?
My Mobile Phone Verification is not working.
My Email Verification is not working.

Update Account Settings

Can I change my username?
How do I change my phone number?
How do I change my email address?

Children Accounts

What are Child Accounts?
Whose accounts can I manage?
Why is my child's account not listed?

Additional Questions

Additional answers may be found on the general Help Site.